Would you like to spring out of bed in the morning with the energy to get stuck into your day, play with your kids, perform better and make better food choices? Dr Jess Harvey, Osteopath at Head 2 Toe Health, talks about the importance of your sleep environment and how you can improve your sleep by making some simple changes to your bedroom.
Did you know that your sleep quality can be significantly influenced by your sleeping environment? Modifiable factors of your sleeping environment can include your home and bedroom lighting, the presence of electronics in the room, your bedding choices and the quality of the air you are breathing. Making some small changes to these aspects of where you sleep can go a long way to optimise your sleep. We spend a large amount of our time (hopefully 30%) sleeping, so let’s make the most of that time to make our days even more enjoyable.
According to a recent Australian study only 49% of women report having a deep sleep, and just 65% of men. We also know that after a poor night’s sleep we consume on average an extra 300-400 calories the next day. These things have significant implications to our life and our health, our enjoyment in life, relationships, quality of our work, sport or gym performance, mental clarity just to name a few.
What if a few simple changes could move the needle on our own sleep quality? Below are some tips you can incorporate to improve your sleep, wake feeling more refreshed and spring out of bed in the morning. These are simple to implement but powerful in their effect.
Improve your sleep by making some simple changes to your bedroom.
- Create a bedroom that encourages sleep, that’s relaxing, that you are comfortable in. This includes removing screens, favouring a relaxing colour scheme and low lighting.
- Choose appropriate bedding. Ensure your bedding is breathable and chemical free, allows your body to cool effectively and provides your body different levels of support for each body area.
- Use a pillow that is washable and appropriate for your sleeping position. This may mean having an adjustable pillow if you move positions during the night.
- Create a bedroom that is dark, quiet and sits at a cooler temperature. You may need block out blinds and to consider bedding that helps with temperature regulation.
- Maintain fresh air flow in your bedroom by opening a door or a window.
- Keep your room technology free. Keep phones, TVs, computers out of the bedroom. Switch off any wi-fi that is impacting your bedroom. If you must keep your phone on at night, switch it to aeroplane mode.
The good news is that you don’t need to put these into place all at once. Making just one change per week can allow you to gain momentum in moving towards great quality sleep, improved healing, improved body maintenance, better relationships, concentration and ultimately, better health.
Dr Jess Harvey, from Head 2 Toe Health, believes in the power of sleep and understands how important healthy sleep is for our overall health and well-being. If you have any more questions on your sleep environment or are wanting to improve your sleep, reach out to us, the leading providers of european beds and accessories, by calling 1300 858 139 or you can reach out to us online!