Climate neutral into the future!

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At Wenatex, we strive to offer our customers products that allow them to achieve healthy sleep, with much invested into research and development. Wenatex in Austria has also been working hard on another facet of customer care and one that’s becoming more important for consumers around the world – sustainability and environmentally sound practices.

Climate-neutral into the future!
We’re very excited to announce that Wenatex FEP GmbH has been awarded ‘climate neutral furniture manufacturer’ by the German Quality Assurance Association of Furniture (DGM). As the research and manufacturing arm of Wenatex, Wenatex FEP has taken an important step to show its commitment to sustainability and to act in an environmentally conscious manner.

Avoid – Reduce – Compensate
The three-stage process of the “Climate Pact for the Furniture Industry”, launched by DGM in 2016, includes the balancing, reduction, and neutralisation of CO2 emissions. Climate change is one of the most important challenges of our time. That is why our goal is to avoid and reduce greenhouse gases as much as possible. And, by compensating for unavoidable emissions, we want to take responsibility – for ourselves and for the future.

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